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Release day: Lawson’s Bend

1 February 2019

Today is the official release of Lawson’s Bend by Nicole Hurley-Moore (ebook and print, Allen & Unwin). Here’s the blurb:

For a long time Lawson’s Bend had held little for Henny. Almost ten years ago she’d got out and vowed never to come back. But sometimes things change…

In the hot summer of 2008, Henny Bolton lost her best friend on a night they should have been celebrating their futures. She is still grief-stricken over the loss.

Stephen Drake never left Lawson’s Bend. He once had ambitions for a different life but staying close to family became more important after that tragic night.

But when Henny’s mother dies suddenly in a fall near the old quarry, she’s forced to return to Lawson’s Bend, and it’s apparent that questions need to be asked.

Was it really an accident?

Her plan was to get out of town as quickly as possible. But then there’s Stephen…

Nicole dropped by today to tell us a little about this book:

Inspiration can be a weird thing and can come from anywhere, like a thunderstorm, an early childhood spent in old theatres or even a line of dialogue that just pops into your mind. In this case, Lawson’s Bend was sparked by a terribly sad photo that appeared in the news several years back. It was of a couple who huddled together after hearing the worst news about their missing friend. You could see the pain and disbelief etched on their faces—and it’s a picture I still carry around in my head. It got me thinking about loss and grief and how a tragic accident could have a profound ongoing effect to not just the people who were there but also to the close-knit community. Almost ten years ago Henny fled Lawson’s Bend, never daring to look back and face the past. But now she has to, and she soon realises that she’s not the only one affected by that awful night, and that the accident has cast a long indelible shadow over the town. While navigating her way through the lies and the secrets of the town, Henny finds an unexpected friend in Stephen Drake and she begins to wonder if love can bloom in such a sad place.

You can find out more about this book, including buy links, at Nicole’s website.

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