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Feature book: The Goblin King

2 May 2012

The Goblin King by Shona Husk

Roan is the Goblin King, however he didn’t start out his life that way. Thousands of years ago he was the King of a Celtic clan trying to defy the Roman Empire. Wrongly accused of betraying his people, a Druid cursed Roan and his men to become Goblins. After a thousand years Roan and his brother, Dai, are the only ones who have not yet faded completely and lost their souls to become creatures who lust only after gold and blood.

Eliza Coulter is a very lonely woman—she is all alone except for her fiancé who is blackmailing her to marry him. She can’t see a way out of her situation and in desperation calls the Goblin King to take her away. The Goblin King must answer a summons and grant that person a wish.

I would suggest reading the short story ‘The Summons’ before reading The Goblin King as it shows Roan and Eliza’s first meeting when she is sixteen and hiding from an overzealous suitor. Roan advises her to not summon him again. However when she realises what a mess she is in with her fiancé she calls Roan again nine years later to take her away, which he does—proclaiming Eliza his Queen. Roan takes Eliza to his home, a cave in the Shadowlands—where Goblins and nightmares live.

Roan is surprised when he begins to realise that Eliza is keeping the darkness away from his soul. Eliza, although feeling affection for Roan, does not want to stay in the Shadowlands and wants Roan to be a full human. Roan, however, has a actual heart of gold and cannot feel love. Eliza thinks she can break the curse but Roan is exhausted and thinks that dying is the better option.

I thoroughly enjoyed Roan, I empathised with him and his brother. I could see how he believed death was the only salvation. Eliza kind of annoyed me, she didn’t have a backbone and only after spending time with Roan did she stand up to Steve—only on details for the wedding at first mind you. She didn’t seem to see an escape from the blackmail but at any time she could have told Amanda—her widowed sister-in-law, who seemed to have more grit than Eliza.

I hadn’t read any paranormal involving goblins before The Goblin King and I’m looking forward to reading Dai’s story next. I found Dai and Amanda to be strong secondary characters. Luckily they are next up in Kiss of the Goblin Prince.

reviewed by Aimee

A review copy of this book was provided by the author. All ARRA members who leave a comment on this review will go in the draw to win the book. (This giveaway is now closed – congratulations to Jet85)

  1. aimskye permalink
    9 May 2012 2:11 pm

    I loved this book! Hope you all pick up a copy!


  2. jet85 permalink
    7 May 2012 6:25 pm

    Love the idea of Goblins! Especially if they look like the spunky guy on the cover! This series sounds wonderful and very intriguing to read…CAN’T WAIT to discover the secrets of GOBLINS!

  3. Mary Preston permalink
    3 May 2012 2:47 pm

    I have decided that I need some Goblins in my life. I must begin this series & soon.

  4. Tina B permalink
    3 May 2012 4:17 am

    Thank you for the recommendation. I didn’t know a Goblin could be sexy either. I am adding these to my TBR.

  5. Shonna permalink
    2 May 2012 10:09 pm

    This is an awesome series. The more I read her work, the more I become a fan of Shona Husk. I am now reading Kiss of The Goblin Prince and am not disappointed. It just gets better and better. Move this series to the top of your TBR list, you will love it.

  6. Shiona permalink
    2 May 2012 8:56 pm

    I remember when I first saw the cover for this book, Looked at the bloke and then looked at the title and my head spun trying to make the two fit together! But, the title has stuck with me – so all in all clever marketing. And I’m keen to read it to see what the main character actually looks like. But as Kresley Cole made a demon with horns sexy, anything is possible! Cheers, Shiona

  7. Barb permalink
    2 May 2012 8:03 pm

    looks like I need to put more books on the list… thanks for the review Aimee

  8. 2 May 2012 2:41 pm

    Thanks for doing such a comprehensive review, Aimee. Shona’s book sounds wonderful. She got a great cover too.

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